Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

After reading several different versions of "Sleeping Beauty" my mind is boggled. I am utterly confused as to how the original tales, that were written down, are so different than that of the modern tales. Don't let me get you wrong, the stories told in the original tales are disturbing at points. For example, in Basile's tale of "Sun, Moon, and Talia" the princess is curse with a sleeping spell. While she is asleep she becomes pregnant with twins and has the babies. It is not until one of her children sucks the splinter out of her finger that she finally wakes up. That right there is just MESSED up! But back to the point, after reading Calvino's tale, where did the three soldiers come from and what is their background information? In all of the original tales it was a prince that came and kissed the princess or a child that awoke her, but in Calvino's tale it was a soldier. Also, in the original tales the "prince" did not run away when he kissed the sleeping princess, but rather waited until she woke and spoke to her and they both fell in love. In Calvino's tale, as soon as he kissed the princess he ran off. I guess what I am getting at is how did these tales change so much with in just 300 years?

A couple ideas I have as to why they changed are:
       1-Readers preference has changed from the time of Perrault
          to Calvino
       2-The tales changed so that they could become movies
       3-To become more kid friendly

Here are some other people's options-

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